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Thursday, September 11, 2008

No Contest. You are a winner!

I was just cruising through our morning newspaper and ran across a contest announcement.

Apparently, the Food and Cooking section of the Daily Star is giving away a couple of cookbooks to the winner of their Best Soup recipe contest.

So, I thought I would turn that concept on it's head; I want to just plain give away a wonderful cookbook to all of our loyal subscribers.

Now this is an awesome cook book of 100 classic "Weight Watchers tm" Recipes, including the W.W. point value for each meal. Some meat, chicken, fish, veggie and sweets. Something for every taste and desire.

And, yes, it's another freebie - No contest to enter, no balls to juggle, no hoops to jump through. It is my pleasure to make it available to you with a quick link at the bottom of the page.

But, can you do me a favor?

I am in the process of assembling a new version of our High Fiber Cookbook, and want to ask you for your original contributions.

I know for a fact that many of you have your own original High Fiber recipes (4 grams of Fiber or greater per serving) you may want to share; recipes for high fiber goodies and great dishes that could blow away the competition.

(If there were a competition!)

When we collect a bunch more we'll include them -with a Hat Tip to you and my personal thanks - in our latest version of our great High Fiber Cookbook.

And anyone that contributes -whether the healthy recipe makes the final cut or not - will get our latest edition absolutely free: a $ 19.95 value downloaded right to your desktop.

So be a part of the solution! Cook away, and send those recipes to me personally at -

By the way, to download your free "Weight Watchers tm" cookbook, just click here for the PDF version or here in Word . . . with my thanks!

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