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Thursday, September 11, 2008

No Contest. You are a winner!

I was just cruising through our morning newspaper and ran across a contest announcement.

Apparently, the Food and Cooking section of the Daily Star is giving away a couple of cookbooks to the winner of their Best Soup recipe contest.

So, I thought I would turn that concept on it's head; I want to just plain give away a wonderful cookbook to all of our loyal subscribers.

Now this is an awesome cook book of 100 classic "Weight Watchers tm" Recipes, including the W.W. point value for each meal. Some meat, chicken, fish, veggie and sweets. Something for every taste and desire.

And, yes, it's another freebie - No contest to enter, no balls to juggle, no hoops to jump through. It is my pleasure to make it available to you with a quick link at the bottom of the page.

But, can you do me a favor?

I am in the process of assembling a new version of our High Fiber Cookbook, and want to ask you for your original contributions.

I know for a fact that many of you have your own original High Fiber recipes (4 grams of Fiber or greater per serving) you may want to share; recipes for high fiber goodies and great dishes that could blow away the competition.

(If there were a competition!)

When we collect a bunch more we'll include them -with a Hat Tip to you and my personal thanks - in our latest version of our great High Fiber Cookbook.

And anyone that contributes -whether the healthy recipe makes the final cut or not - will get our latest edition absolutely free: a $ 19.95 value downloaded right to your desktop.

So be a part of the solution! Cook away, and send those recipes to me personally at -

By the way, to download your free "Weight Watchers tm" cookbook, just click here for the PDF version or here in Word . . . with my thanks!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Sleeping like a baby? NOT!

Are you still chasing the elusive Sleep Switch?

Have you been struggling with the stress and health issues that chronic insomnia brings? Research tells us that insomnia can cause many problems in health and cognition;

  • Low energy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Attention, concentration or memory problems
  • Poor performance at school or work
  • Extreme mood changes
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Trouble making errors at work or while driving
  • Tension, headaches or stomach aches
  • Frustration or worry about your sleep.

Chronic insomnia can put you at risk for major depression, and can logically lead to prescription drug dependence and overdose.

Insomnia occurs for a variety of reasons that can often be pinpointed through a survey, questionnaire or a full blown sleep study.

While the shelves of our pharmacies as well as the local health food/supplement store are crammed with sleep aids for over the counter use - to say nothing of the 100's of prescription products for sale behind the counter, the latest and greatest research is proving beyond any doubt that most insomniacs benefit from CBT, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you change actions or thoughts that hurt your ability to sleep well. It helps you develop habits that promote a healthy pattern of sleep.

CBT can take a variety of forms including:

Stimulus control - creating a positive stimulus triggered by tiredness opposed to the negative stimulus of the fear of tossing and turning all night.
Sleep Restriction - setting strict limits on the time you spend in bed every night, forcibly limiting the number of bed time hours only to the number of hours that you actually sleep, not the hours tossing and turning. The idea is to deprive yourself of additional non productive hours attempting to sleep, decreasing the actual number of sleep hours and increasing your overall tiredness. It's goal is to stabilize your sleep pattern and instill more sound habits.
Cognitive control and counseling for the worries and negative thoughts that can race through your mind hour after miserable hour.
Sleep Hygiene, or improving your basis sleep habits - deleting coffee from your evening routine, exercising to increase fatigue and decrease stress, stop napping at mid day - those kinds of things.
And finally, relaxation training with biofeedback. This is the area that has helped me the most over the years. It consists of techniques such as muscle relaxation, controlled breathing meditation, as well as the more tech oriented methods of biofeedback, brainwave training and audio relaxation programs.

If you are experienced with sleep audio programs, there have been extraordinary improvements in the field over the last few years. They now incorporate unique brainwave frequencies at the proper timing and in the right order to help train you to go under with the ease of a baby. provides you with a simple 7 question survey to determine your basic needs for an audio sleep program, while true brainwave enthusiasts can look at the amazing site from My Mind Shift to give yourself a high tech kiss goodnight on your tired little forehead.

And for those of you who love freebies (and who doesn't!) try Tranquil Sleep Now. Along with your audio sleep system you pick up 107 yes 107 free bonus gifts!

Monday, September 01, 2008

A Free e- Book, just for you!

I love the long weekends! Amid all the current and non-stop News online and in the media, I have to go on a regular "News Fast" as our friend Dr. Andrew Weil calls it.

So I spend some time researching and surfing. Possibly no other category of health and nutrition is searched online more frequently then "Weight loss".

Google it today and you will find 92 million webpages dealing with the concept. No kidding, try it yourself! (BTW, a search for "George Bush" yields a mere 40 million pages.)

So, how does a person sort out the wheat from the chaff?

Well, we get to a point where we listen to our trusted sources and then surf on from there. In my morning monsoon desert surf, look what I was able to find for you . . .

An awesome little e-book with a few - 177 to be exact - tips for weight loss and exercise; some brilliant, some common sense (the least common of all our senses), some just worth trying.

For example:

1. Substitute fruit purees for butter or margarine. They are easy to prepare in a food processor and will significantly reduce calories and fat.

6. Water mixed with fructose suppresses appetite better than glucose with water or diet drinks. Drink a glass of orange juice one half to one hour before a meal.

73. If you love pie, stick with the fruit pies. Pumpkin and other fruit pies are lower in calories. Pecan pie has about 430 calories while the same slice of pumpkin pie is only 240. You can drop another 100 calories if you don’t eat the crust!

100. Not only is a single order of Fettucine Alfredo an artery clogger, it also weighs in at a whopping 1,500 calories! When eating Italian food, opt for pasta topped with marinara or meat sauce (skip the meatballs), red or white clam sauce or chicken Marsala.

So, take this 12 dollar e-book with my blessings, with an eye for the content which suits you best.

And enjoy the 173 other tips.

And of course, it's my gift to you. Get it here, for free.


My surfing also brought me to this gem. Dr. Suzanne must be doing something very right with her Secret weight loss program, because food and drug lobbyists are trying to shut her down.

"New Breakthrough Secret discovered by lady doctor has other doctors

Find out how Dr Suzanne Gudakunst discovered how calories, carbs, and such have far less to do with the real reason you're fat and can't seem to lose weight regardless of what you do!

It is currently available here:

Dr. Suzanne's Dangerous Secret

But hurry as lobbyists want her secret forever banned because it threatens the food & drug companies' continued stronghold on the masses in order for them to remain rich at the cost of YOUR health!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time for Another Cleanse

Awoke early this morning, and had one thing on my mind: "Time for another cleanse."

Colon Cleansing has become a part of my regular health ritual, providing a lightness of being and a powerful result that few other healthful pursuits can provide.

I will often recommend a good cleanse to many of my patients exhibiting signs of toxicity; fatigue, IBS, diarrhea, constipation, problem complexion, pounds of extra flab, (regardless of how hard they try to lose it), lowered immune system function and many other common signs.

There are a large number of commercial cleanse products on the market, which work in only a few different ways.

In general, they may consist primarily of:

  • a bowel stimulant or irritant (more commonly and most unfortunately termed a laxative),
  • a mechanical bulk mover which is usually a healthy wad of fiber or an inert substance like Bentonite clay,
  • a liquid nutritional supplement to keep the body processes, processing,
  • or an oxygen "scrubber" which releases stabilized oxygen bound to Magnesium Oxide or Peroxide.

Then again, Oprah has helped to make famous the Master Cleanse , if Lemonade suits your detox fancy.

Personally, I use and recommend the oxygen based cleanser Oxy-Powder System.

By taking an oxygen based cleanser we feed the friendly bacteria with the oxygen they need to create a stable bowel environment. Oxygen will also oxidize and clean the entire bowel, relieving constipation and compaction.

When taking an oxygen colon cleanser you raise the level of ORS (Oxygen Reactive Species), which causes a stimulation of lymphocytes to produce T-cells. This process results in a beefed-up immune system, and a thoroughly cleansed digestive system.

Weight loss? Did you say, Detox is a key to healthy weight loss??

You bet. Check out this incredible research from Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst but be aware: the pictures of the grime in your gut are pretty graphic, and they get right to the point . . .

But what about dietary changes, a natural and tasteful way to colon health? Many of the superfoods that have powerful cleansing properties and the best way to use them can be found in the brilliant and Super Simple Detox 101- "Detox Your Body with the Seasons".

Here's what it takes, leading you to vital health and well being:

  • First and foremost, eat more foods high in dietary fiber 25 grams a day for women, 35 grams a day for men.
  • Green leafy vegetables can be the most effective colon cleaners on the supermarket shelf.
  • Switch to whole grains and cut oats- all the good low GI (gycemic index) complex carbs.
  • Cut out the system clogging meat and dairy: not a lecture on vegetarianism, just use moderation and common sense.
  • Put the milk jug away or soda pops away, and drink 8 glasses of water every day.
  • Incorporate the colon cleansing herbs into your recipes -psyllium, cayenne, aloe vera, ginger, cascara.
  • Exercise yourself to cleaner colon; that's right. Once again, exercise is a prescription for long life and health, and a more active, cleaner colon.

Recipes of the week? Sure, here's a couple of high fiber salads that you can happily use to transition back from your cleanse: Veggie Cobb Salad and Pea Salad.

So, as I plan my next few days of cleansing, I urge you to consider the possibilities of achieving your energetic, digestive, and weightloss goals.

Now, where did I put that bottle of Oxy- Powder . . . . .