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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Holiday Temptations

December is when most of us put on those extra pounds from eating too much of the wrong foods. If we take an inventory of our health, set some goals and lay down a few rules, we will not have as much weight to lose in January.

Now, let's take an inventory. Do we weigh more or less than twelve months ago? Are we exercising? Are we eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables? Are we eating whole wheat bread and pastas instead of the white ones? Are we watching our salt, fat and sugar consumption? Are we drinking 8 glasses of water a day?

If you are like me and find it hard to stay on track this month, then let's set some goals. My biggest temptation is from double dipped chocolate pecans. The other goodies my patients bring in the office are also very tempting. I am setting a goal to eat fruit and just a few of the other treats. I also have a goal to eat just a few of the double dipped chocolate pecans instead of the whole bag.

Before going to a party or a function, eat a healthy-filling snack at home. When I know I will be facing tempting food, I usually drink the fiber drink I recommend with grund flaxseeds and oat bran mixed in apple juice.

It helps to have rules to follow before indulging at holiday meals and parties. Eat lightly and get plenty of exercise the day before and the day after a party or dinner. If it is a buffet, start with the raw vegetables, salads and fresh fruit. Choose the sandwiches made with whole wheat bread and chicken or turkey instead of ham. It also helps to keep the calories down if you avoid foods that have mayonnaise in them. When you get to the sweets, hopefully you'll only have room for just a small sampling. Drink water instead of punch or eggnog.

When preparing your holiday foods, use healthier ingredients. Substitute whole wheat flour for white flour and cut back on the fat, salt and sugar. If you usually serve ham, have turkey instead. Desserts made from scratch are much healthier than those out of a box or the grocery store. Do like Cindy does and study the recipe ahead of time and make the necessary changes in order for it to be healthier. When you cut the butter in half, it still tastes just as good. The same goes for the salt and sugar.

Here are a few tips for you as we approach a new year. The cost of exercise equipment can be deducted this year from your income tax. There are certain criteria you have to meet, so check with your accountant. Also, check with your physician to see if there are any overdue tests you need to have done this month before you have to start all over on your health insurance deductible. The mammogram, the PSA, the potassium level if you are on a fluid pill, the occult blood test or better yet, a colonoscopy could all be considered. A cholesterol check, including something called "lipoprotein little-a" could put you in the mood for eating right over the holidays.

By Robert M.Richey,M.D.
Article Source
High Fiber Health

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