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Sunday, December 04, 2005

Make Plans Now for Diabetes-Healthy Holiday Gatherings and High Fiber

Holiday gatherings and parties pose a special challenge for people with diabetes. The key to a diabetes-healthy gathering is having a variety of healthy food selections.

If you have diabetes, follow these tips to help keep your blood sugar level in the normal range throughout the holidays and the winter months ahead:

* Eat a low-calorie, healthy snack before you leave home. That way you won't overeat when you get to the party.
* Have a plan for what, when, and how much you will eat. Check out the buffet table and then select the healthy foods that fit your meal plan.
* Contribute your favorite healthy dish to the holiday buffet.
* Eat slowly and enjoy every bite. Eating slowly reduces your chances of eating too much.
* Drink water. Water is the healthy, no-calorie beverage.

If you are hosting a holiday gathering, here are just a few ideas of what you can do to help your guests with diabetes:

* Offer a variety of low fat, high fiber foods. That means fresh fruits and vegetables, grilled or broiled lean meats, fish, and turkey and chicken without the skin. Cut down on mayonnaise, oil, and butter and increase fiber with whole grain breads, peas, and beans.
* Transform traditionally high fat and high calorie foods into low fat healthier versions. For example, use nonfat or 1 percent milk instead of whole milk or cream. Try low fat cottage cheese and plain yogurt instead of cream cheese.
* Be supportive of your family members and friends with diabetes. Encourage loved ones to stay in control of their disease. If you see them slipping, don't chastise or scold them--keep encouraging them.

Article Source
High Fiber Health

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