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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Fiber: A help during the holidays

Although it’s part of a healthy diet, most
Americans skimp on the recommended daily
amount of 30 grams of fiber. But realize that
fiber also goes a long way in helping keep
weight in check. Think about fiber’s positive
effects if you’re getting ready to overindulge
in holiday treats:

Fiber increases the feeling of fullness
and reduces hunger between meals.
People on higher-fiber diets tendency
to lose weight easier. Studies have shown
that people on unrestricted diets that were
higher in fiber lost more than four pounds
in three months.

Because the body can’t absorb most of the
fiber in foods, it passes through your
gastrointestinal tract without leaving behind
any calories.

Fiber attracts water, which help you
feel full long before you’re able to stuff
yourself with excess calories.

It also makes you chew longer, which
gives your stomach more time to tell your
brain that it’s full.

Some types of fiber and their ability to
hold on to water can help delay the emptying
of the stomach. That allows food and nutrients
to hang around longer, reducing the feeling of hunger.

Now that's something Santa's little helpers can't do.
Article Source
High Fiber Health

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