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Thursday, April 13, 2006

How Is Fiber Beneficial To Us?

A fiber-rich diet clearly reduces the risk of developing colon cancer. Drs. Howe, Benito, and colleagues analyzed the results of 13 studies that looked at the influence of fiber intake on colon cancer. They found a strong dose-response relationship when they looked at fiber intake: the more fiber eaten, the lower the risk of colon cancer.

Fiber draws water to itself. Therefore, it may help to dilute any carcinogens that gain access into the intestine.

Fiber helps to speed up the passage of colon contents, thus decreasing the time for any potential carcinogens in the stool to damage the lining of the colon.
Fiber helps to decrease the production of altered bile acids known as "secondary bile acids." These altered bile acids appear able to cause colon cancer.

A high fiber diet has been shown to decrease breast cancer by more than 50 percent. Associated with plant fibers are plant estrogens ("fiber-associated phytoestrogens") that may lower breast cancer risk. There is also evidence that fiber can interfere with the intestinal re-absorption of estrogen—this would also be expected to lower breast cancer risk.

Fiber appears to moderate the absorption of sugar into the body and so a diabetic who eats an apple will be likely to have better blood sugar control than drinking apple juice. Fiber also has a strong relationship with relieving constipation.
By Ray Foster

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