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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

High Fiber Means Lower Blood Sugar Response to Carbs

A high fiber low carb diet breakfast fuels your body throughout the day, but most low carb diets don't emphasize the importance of keeping fiber in your diet. So I've gathered some easy recommendations for my Top Low Carb Diet High Fiber Breakfast.

* Steel cut oats, raisins and 2% milk. Whole grain breakfast foods are digested more slowly, which keeps the glycemic load down. Just 2 tablespoons of raisins are allowed.

* Yogurt topped with Wheat Germ, blueberries and nuts. Now this is a great, easy breakfast treat. I use organic full fat yogurt, but you can use a low fat one, and sprinkle the crunchy wheat germ and fiber rich blueberries on top. I even sweeten it with some sucralose. My choice for nuts is a sprinkling of sliced almonds.

* Cottage cheese and berries I often have this for either breakfast or lunch, using a 2% fat cottage cheese and raspberries and blueberries.

* Omelets, low carb toast and 1/2 grapefruit or orange. Making an omelet, such as my Broccoli Omelet is easy. Add some carb controlled bread, such as the new Atkin's approved Orowheat brand, and 1/2 of a fiber rich grapefruit of fresh orange and you've got loads of fiber.

* Cheese, avocado, tomato sandwich Who says you can't have a sandwich for breakfast? Just take some carb controlled whole wheat bread ( I take one slice and cut it in half), add a slice of provolone cheese, some tomatoes and slices of avocado and top with the other slice of bread.

* Cold Low GI Cereal Breakfast cereal brands are changing dramatically, and ones like Kashi, Fiber One, All Bran and Nature's Path Organic Optimum Slim are high in fiber, relatively low in carbs and full of good, crunchy taste.

Research studies have shown that children who eat a high-fiber, low sugar breakfast were less hungry at lunchtime and ate less than children fed a high sugar, low fiber cereal. Another study reported that people who ate refined grains stripped of their fiber were MORE likely to gain weight or be overweight than those eating a natural high-fiber whole grains.
References: Pediatrics. 2003 Nov;112(5):e414.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jul;82(1 Suppl):265S-273


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